RL : Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization LabLink to Lab Webpage

Research AreasReinforcement Learning.
MembersFaculty : L A Prashanth.

Students/Scholars :

Project Staffs :

Recent Publications
  • A Cubic-regularized Policy Newton Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning.  
           Mizhaan Prajit Maniyar , L A Prashanth , Akash Mondal , Shalabh Bhatnagar
          Appeared in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2-4 May 2024, Palau de Congressos, Valencia, Spain., Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Vol 238, pp.4708-4716, May 2024
  • A policy gradient approach for optimization of smooth risk measures.  
           Nithia Vijayan , L A Prashanth
          Appeared in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, UAI 2023, July 31 - 4 August 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, USA., Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Vol 216, pp.2168-2178, Aug 2023
  • Finite time analysis of temporal difference learning with linear function approximation: Tail averaging and regularisation.  
           Gandharv Patil , L A Prashanth , Dheeraj Nagaraj , Doina Precup
          Appeared in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 25-27 April 2023, Palau de Congressos, Valencia, Spain., Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Vol 206, pp.5438-5448, Apr 2023
  • Generalized Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation with Reduced Estimator Bias.  
           Shalabh Bhatnagar , L A Prashanth
          Appeared in 57th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2023, Baltimore, MD, USA, March 22-24, 2023, pp.1-6, Mar 2023
  • Nonasymptotic Bounds for Stochastic Optimization With Biased Noisy Gradient Oracles.  
           Nirav Bhavsar , L A Prashanth
          Appeared in IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., Vol 68, pp.1628-1641, Jan 2023

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