• How wonderful it is that Earth is not too far or too near to Sun, so as to sustain complex life forms like us?
  • How amazing it is that tiger/tigress know to be one of the fiercest animals, is so gentle towards its cubs?
  • Why is that we distance ourselve from Nature - sit in closed AC rooms, move around so fast to observe anything, and like wise, and have no time to observe a small sapling grow or a flower blossom and yet, visit theme parks?
  • We say `there is no free lunch' and yet take Earth and Nature for granted. Doesn't this make us hypocrites?
  • How inconsistent is our living? We love someone and hate someone else at the same time, and live with it?
  • Its intriguing to observe that same word/symbol feels differently to us in different moods. It hints us about complexity of human psyche and also says that interpretations should not be made on mere words/symbols, pointing us back to statement one. This process sounds similar to a 'strange loop' (by Douglas Hofstadter), isn't?
  • Why do ants build 'ant-hills', with so 'many' 'big' entrances when they are so 'small' in size? May be its the same as humans building citadels. Though former is more public, and latter, a more private enterprise.
  • Why 'a' comes before 'b' and 'b' comes before 'c' in english alphabets sequence? Is there any specific reason for this precedence?
  • Are we driving technology or being driven by it?
  • An account of experience is not an experience in itself.