Title | : | Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence (StarAI) |
Speaker | : | Sriraam Natarajan (University of Texas Dallas. USA) |
Details | : | Tue, 27 Nov, 2018 2:00 PM @ CSB 36 |
Abstract: | : | Prof. Sriraam Natarajan from UT Dallas will be delivering a short series of lectures on statistical relational AI. These lectures will be tutorial in nature and are designed to be self-contained. A knowledge of probabilistic graphical models and first-order logic would be helpful and the first lecture will have a short overview of these topics. So everyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend.
The theme of the class is Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence (StarAI). StarAI is an emerging area that combines logical (or relational) AI and probabilistic (or statistical) AI. Coords: Nov. 27th to 29th. 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. CS 36. Relational AI deals very effectively with complex domains involving many and even a varying number of entities connected by complex relationships, while statistical AI manages well the uncertainty that derives from incomplete and noisy descriptions of the domains. Both fields achieved significant successes over the last thirty years but evolved largely independently until about fifteen years ago, when the potential originating from their combination started to emerge. Statistical Relational Learning (SRL) was proposed for exploiting relational descriptions in statistical machine learning methods from the field of graphical models. Meanwhile, the scope of SRL was significantly advanced in StarAI to cover all forms of reasoning and models of AI. StarAI is nowadays an ample area encompassing many and diverse approaches. The lectures include foundations of relational and statistical AI together with advanced topics on the new StarAI approaches and applications. The talks will provide the theoretical background, practical examples and real applications where StarAI can play a role. Hands-on classes will be provided where the main StarAI techniques will be applied to “small” examples. The class is heavily based on a summer school that Prof. Sriraam Natarajan had co-organized this summer. http://acai2018.unife.it/ Biography Sriraam Natarajan is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas Dallas. He was previously an Associate Professor and earlier an Assistant Professor at Indiana University, Wake Forest School of Medicine, a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and had graduated with his PhD from Oregon State University. His research interests lie in the field of Artificial Intelligence, with emphasis on Machine Learning, Statistical Relational Learning and AI, Reinforcement Learning, Graphical Models and Biomedical Applications. He has received the Young Investigator award from US Army Research Office, Amazon Faculty Research Award, Intel Faculty Award, XEROX Faculty Award and the IU Trustees Teaching Award from Indiana University. He is an editorial board member of MLJ, JAIR and DAMI journals and is the electronics publishing editor of JAIR. He is the organizer of the key workshops in the field of Statistical Relational Learning and has co-organized the AAAI 2010, the UAI 2012, AAAI 2013, AAAI 2014, UAI 2015 workshops on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI), ICML 2012 Workshop on Statistical Relational Learning, and the ECML PKDD 2011 and 2012 workshops on Collective Learning and Inference on Structured Data (Co-LISD). He was also the co-chair of the AAAI student abstract and posters at AAAI 2014 and AAAI 2015 and the chair of the AAAI students outreach at AAAI 2016 and 2017. |