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T. Veena
PhD Scholar, Feb 2006 - Jun 2014
Advisor(s) : C. Chandra Sekhar
Thesis Title :
Next Position : Faculty at NIT Goa
Desai Veena
MS Scholar, Jul 2002 - Jan 2005
Thesis Title :
Vishnu Veerathu
B.Tech , Jul 2016 - Nov 2020
Guide(s) : Balaraman Ravindran
Faculty Advisor : V. Krishna Nandivada
Thesis Title :
S. Vela
MS Scholar, Jul 1996 - Jul 1999
Thesis Title :
Uday Sai Vemula
M.Tech , Jul 2020 - Jul 2023
Guide(s) : N.S. Narayanaswamy
Faculty Advisor : Nishad Kothari
Thesis Title : Enhancing web application security with modsecurity
Next Position : Member of Technical Staff - 1, ColorTokens Inc.
Pitta Venkat
B.Tech , Jul 2016 - Nov 2020
Faculty Advisor : C. Chandra Sekhar
Thesis Title :
T Venkatesh
PhD Scholar, Jul 2004 - Jul 2009
Advisor(s) : C. Siva Ram Murthy
Thesis Title :
Gopalapuram Venkatesh (B.Tech(DD))
Email : CS09B032 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Advisor : Sutanu Chakraborti
Research Interests :
Amboth Venkatesh (B.Tech)
Email : CS19B006 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Advisor : D. Janakiram
Research Interests :
Dondeti Venkatesulu
PhD Scholar, Jul 1985 - Jan 1990
Thesis Title :
Gandikota Venkatraju
MS Scholar, Jul 2004 - Jul 2007
Thesis Title :
Vinay Kumar Verma (PhD)
Email : CS14D004 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Advisor(s) : Anurag Mittal
Research Interests :
Lab(s) : Vision Lab.
Richa Verma (PhD)
Email : CS20D020 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Advisor(s) : Balaraman Ravindran
Research Interests :
Riya Verma (PhD)
Email : CS21D012 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Advisor(s) : Sukhendu Das
Research Interests :
Devakar Kumar Verma
MS Scholar, Jul 2013 - Apr 2016
Advisor(s) : Shankar Balachandran
Thesis Title :
Ravi Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2013 - Jul 2015
Guide(s) : Shankar Balachandran
Faculty Advisor : Balaraman Ravindran
Thesis Title :
Sakshee Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2015 - Jul 2017
Guide(s) : C. Chandra Sekhar
Faculty Advisor : Meghana Nasre
Thesis Title :
Sakshi Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2015 - Jul 2017
Guide(s) : Hema A. Murthy
Faculty Advisor : Meghana Nasre
Thesis Title :
Amit Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2016 - Jul 2018
Guide(s) : V. Kamakoti
Faculty Advisor : P. Sreenivasa Kumar
Thesis Title :
Yashpal Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2016 - Jul 2018
Guide(s) : Hema A. Murthy
Faculty Advisor : Chester Rebeiro
Thesis Title :
Kasturi P. Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2018 - Nov 2020
Guide(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Faculty Advisor : Mitesh Khapra
Thesis Title :
Nishant Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2018 - Nov 2020
Faculty Advisor : L A Prashanth
Thesis Title :
Pankaj Kumar Verma
M.Tech , Sep 2020 - Jul 2022
Guide(s) : Krishna Moorthy Sivalingam
Faculty Advisor : Manikandan Narayanan
Thesis Title : Attack detection in P4 dataplane using BNN.
Next Position : SDE-1 , OLA Cabs
Anant Prakash Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2022 - Jul 2024
Faculty Advisor : P. Sreenivasa Kumar
Thesis Title :
Harsh Verma
M.Tech , Jul 2022 - Jul 2024
Faculty Advisor : John Augustine
Thesis Title :
Aditya Verma (M.Tech)
Email : CS23M008 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Advisor : P. Sreenivasa Kumar
Research Interests :
Anant Prakash Verma (M.Tech)
Email : CS23M012 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Advisor : C. Chandra Sekhar
Research Interests :
Kushal Verma (B.Tech)
Email : CS21B046 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Advisor : V. Krishna Nandivada
Research Interests :
Pranav Murali Vidhya
M.Tech , Jul 2018 - Nov 2020
Guide(s) : C. Chandra Sekhar
Faculty Advisor : L A Prashanth
Thesis Title :
Vishav Rakesh Vig
B.Tech , Jul 2018 - Jul 2022
Guide(s) : Chester Rebeiro
Faculty Advisor : Yadu Vasudev
Thesis Title : Can you guess what i am typing ?
Next Position : Quant Strategist, Quadeye
K Vignesh
B.Tech(DD) , Jul 2010 - Jun 2015
Guide(s) : Anurag Mittal
Faculty Advisor : Shankar Balachandran
Thesis Title :
Gaikoti Vignesh (B.Tech)
Email : CS22B025 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Advisor : Manikandan Narayanan
Research Interests :
Kisulva Amarlal Vignesh (B.Tech)
Email : CS22B076 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Advisor : Yadu Vasudev
Research Interests :
Kocherla Vijay
B.Tech , Jul 2015 - Sep 2019
Faculty Advisor : B. V. Raghavendra Rao
Thesis Title :
Dixit Soham Vijay (B.Tech)
Email : CS16B006 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Guide(s) : Chester Rebeiro
Faculty Advisor : Hema A. Murthy
Research Interests :
B. Vijayalakshmi
MS Scholar, Jul 1996 - Jul 1999
Thesis Title :
Vishnu Vijayan
M.Tech , Jul 2015 - Jul 2017
Guide(s) : Chester Rebeiro
Faculty Advisor : Aritra Hazra
Thesis Title :
K. Vijayananda
MS Scholar, Jul 1988 - Jun 1991
Thesis Title :
Vijayaragunathan (PhD)
Email : CS15D009 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Advisor(s) : Meghana Nasre
Research Interests :
Lab(s) : TCS Lab.
R Vijayasarathy
MS Scholar, Jul 2006 - Jul 2009
Advisor(s) : Balaraman Ravindran
Thesis Title :
Zillepalli Vijitha
B.Tech , Jul 2012 - Jul 2016
Faculty Advisor : Jayalal Sarma
Thesis Title :
Singhal Rajat Vikas
B.Tech , Jul 2017 - Jul 2021
Faculty Advisor : L A Prashanth
Thesis Title :
Next Position : Software Developer I
K V Vikram (B.Tech)
Email : CS19B021 [at] smail [dot] iitm [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Advisor : Madhu Mutyam
Research Interests :
M. Vikramaditya
B.Tech(DD) , Jul 2004 - Jul 2009
Faculty Advisor : V. Kamakoti
Thesis Title :
Banoth Vikranthinayak
B.Tech , Jul 2009 - Jul 2013
Faculty Advisor : Sutanu Chakraborti
Thesis Title :
Bantupalli Vinay
B.Tech , Jul 2015 - Sep 2019
Faculty Advisor : N.S. Narayanaswamy
Thesis Title :
Chilaka Vinay
B.Tech , Jul 2015 - Sep 2019
Faculty Advisor : N.S. Narayanaswamy
Thesis Title :
S P Vinayaka
M.Tech , Jul 2017 - Sep 2019
Guide(s) : C. Siva Ram Murthy
Faculty Advisor : N.S. Narayanaswamy
Thesis Title :
Athul Vincent
M.Tech , Jul 2017 - Sep 2019
Faculty Advisor : Sutanu Chakraborti
Thesis Title :
Rajani Vineet
MS Scholar, Jul 2007 - Jan 2010
Advisor(s) : D. Janakiram
Thesis Title :

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