- Meeting 01 : Mon, Aug 03, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Introduction, Musical chairs and pigeon hole principle, Friends and Strangers.
Administrative Announcements, grading policy.
- Meeting 02 : Thu, Aug 06, 10:00 am-10:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Introduction to Propositional Logic, Logical Operators -- negation, conjunction, disjunction, XOR, conditional, biconditional. Precedence of logical operators.
References: | Section 1.1 from Rosen.
- Meeting 03 : Fri, Aug 07, 09:00 am-09:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
The conditional operator, examples of translating English sentences into compound propositions, logical equivalences, some examples of logic puzzles.
References: | Rosen 1.2, 1.3.
- Meeting 04 : Mon, Aug 10, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Predicates, definitions, examples, Existential and Universal Quantifiers, Uniqueness quantification using existential and universal quantification, Restricting domain in case of existential and universal quantification. Logical Equivalences between predicates.
- Meeting 05 : Thu, Aug 13, 10:00 am-10:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Predicates with multiple variables. Examples. Nested Quantifiers. Order of Nesting of quantifiers. Examples where the order can be flipped and cases in which it cannot be.
Thinking of quantifiers as loops.
References: | None
Reading: | Section 1.4, 1.5 Rosen. |
- Meeting 06 : Fri, Aug 14, 09:00 am-09:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Nested Quantifiers, examples.
Arguments, Argument Form. Valid arguments.
Rules of Inference. Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Addition, Simplification. Why is a particular argument form valid or invalid?
References: | Section 1.5, 1.6 of Rosen.
- Meeting 07 : Mon, Aug 17, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Rules of Inference. Arguments using these rules of inference. Examples.
References: | Section 1.6 of Rosen.
- Meeting 08 : Thu, Aug 20, 10:00 am-10:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Proof Techniques: Direct Proof, Proof by contradiction, proof by contraposition. Examples in each case.
Pitfalls in proof by enumeration. Example.
References: | Section 1.7 of Rosen.
Reading: | Proofs from the Book by M. Aigner and G. Ziegler. |
- Meeting 09 : Fri, Aug 21, 09:00 am-09:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Some more examples of Proof by contrapositive, contradiction. Proof by cases, exhaustive proofs.
References: | Section 1.7 Rosen.
- Meeting 10 : Mon, Aug 24, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Backward reasoning: examples arithmetic and geometric mean. Game of marbles.
Existential proofs (non-constructive): examples. Chomp.
Proof strategies: checkerboard and tilings. Examples.
References: | Play Chomp online here:
- Meeting 11 : Thu, Aug 27, 10:00 am-10:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Introduction to Sets, definitions, subsets, null-set, power-set, set operations, computer representation of sets.
References: | Sections 2.1, 2.2 Rosen.
- Meeting 12 : Mon, Aug 31, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Russels paradox, barber's puzzle.
Cardinality of sets, infinite sets, cardinality of infinite sets.
Detour to Cartesian Products, relations, function, one-one, onto, one-one onto functions.
References: | Section 2.3 Rosen.
- Meeting 13 : Thu, Sep 03, 10:00 am-10:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Countably infinite sets, Set of integers is countable, set of positive rationals is countable, set of reals is uncountable (Cantor's diagonalization argument).
References: | Section 2.5 Rosen.
- Meeting 14 : Fri, Sep 04, 09:00 am-09:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Mathematical induction. Why it works. Well ordering principle. Examples using induction and strong induction.
References: | Section 5.1 and 5.2 Rosen.
- Meeting 15 : Mon, Sep 07, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
More examples on induction. Sequences.
Class by Sreekanth and Parishkrati.
References: | Section 5.2 and Section 2.4 from Rosen.
- Meeting 16 : Fri, Sep 11, 09:00 am-09:50 am
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Well ordering principle, proofs using WOP, example on Tournaments and existence of GCD.
Brief discussion on recursion and recursively defined objects. Trees.
References: | Section 5.2 and 5.3 from Rosen.
- Meeting 17 : Mon, Sep 14, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
References | |
Exercises | |
Reading | |
Recursion, recursive functions, height of a tree, number of nodes.
Proving program correctness. Pre-conditions, post-conditions, loop invariants.
References: | Section 5.4, 5.5 or Rosen.