Professional Activities
Below are some professional activities I am involved in.
Organizing Workshops and Conferences.
- Sruthi Sekar, Sikhar Patranabis and I organized a winter school in cryptography at IIT Madras, from Dec 16 to 21, 2024.
- Satya Lokam and I organized a virtual India Crypto Meet on 16 and 17 July, 2020.
- Hoeteck Wee, Zvika Brakerski and I organized a workshop called Lattices: New Cryptographic Capabilities at the Simons Institute on March 23-36, 2020.
- Manoj Prabhakaran and I organized
TCC, 2018 in gorgeous Goa! If you missed it, here is why you should regret it :).
- Vinod Vaikuntanathan and I organized a workshop called Lattice Algorithms and Cryptography in IIT Kanpur, on 15th Dec 2017.
- I organized a workshop Recent Advances in Cryptography in IIT Delhi on 18th and 19th Dec, 2014.
Program Committees.
I have served or will serve on the following program committees: Eurocrypt 2024 (Area chair), CCS 2023, CRYPTO 2023, Asiacrypt 2022 (Program Co-Chair), CRYPTO 2022, CCS 2022, Asiacrypt 2021, Eurocrypt 2021, Indocrypt 2020, Asiacrypt 2020, Information Theoretic Cryptography (ITC) 2020, Asiacrypt 2019, TCC 2018, CRYPTO 2018, PKC 2018, STACS 2018, ISC 2017, CRYPTO 2017, Asiacrypt 2017, Indocrypt 2017, CCS 2016, Eurocrypt 2016, SCN 2016, Indocrypt 2015, PKC 2015, ACNS 2015.
Other Professional Committees.
- Associate editor, Information and Computation.
- Associate editor, Journal of Cryptology.
- ACM India Council Member.
- ACM India Cybersecurity Initiative, Member.
- Indian Association for Research in Computer Science, Council Member.
Information about grants
If only for my own sake, I put together some useful pointers to travel and collaboration grants that professors in India can apply for. Here is the link.