- Meeting 01 : Mon, Jul 29, 09:00 am-09:50 am
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Acad : Introduction to the course. The story and the thread the course will follow. Reference textbooks.
Admin : Evaluation plans, TA and Instructor contact hours, course homepage, moodle, mailing list.
References | : | Slides uploaded to moodle.
- Meeting 02 : Tue, Jul 30, 08:00 am-08:50 am
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Propositional Logic. Syntax. Semantics, Truth tables. Implication.
References | : | [KR] Book Section 1.1
- Meeting 03 : Wed, Jul 31, 12:00pm-12:50pm
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Tautology, Contradiction, Contingents, Satisfiability. Algorithmics. Implication. Contrapostive, Converse, Inverse, Examples.
References | : | [KR] Book Section 1.1
- Meeting 04 : Fri, Aug 02, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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Logical Equivalences. Checking if a formula is a tautology. Algorithmic question.
References | : | [KR] Book Section 1.2
- Meeting 05 : Mon, Aug 05, 09:00 am-09:50 am
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Arguments and argument forms, validity of argument forms. Rules of inferences. Why are we not adding more rules of inferences? Discussion. Axiomatizations.
References | : | [KR] Book Section 1.5. For discussion on axiomatization refer class notes.
- Meeting 06 : Tue, Aug 06, 08:00 am-08:50 am
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Example deductions/derivations using rules of inferences. Four examples.
References | : | [KR] Book Section 1.5.
- Meeting 07 : Wed, Aug 07, 12:00pm-12:50pm
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Resolution refutation. Examples.
Axiomatization of Proposition logic. Limitations of Propositional Logic. Need for a more powerful language.
References | : | [KR] Book Section 1.5.
- Meeting 08 : Fri, Aug 09, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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Predicate Logic. An informal introduction to quantifiers and their informal semantics.
References | : | [KR] Book Section 1.3
- Meeting 09 : Tue, Aug 13, 08:00 am-08:50 am
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Translating English sentences to predicate logic. Use of function symbols and examples.
References | : | [KR] Book Section 1.3. For some examples, refer class notes.
- Meeting 10 : Wed, Aug 14, 12:00pm-12:50pm
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Syntax for predicate logic. Well-formed formulas. The parse tree. Free variables, Scope of the quantifier, bound variables.
References | : | [HR] (relevant section uploaded to moodle) Section 2.2
- Meeting 11 : Fri, Aug 16, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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Semantics of Predicate Logic. Models. Environment (variable assignments). Truth of a formula under a model. Examples of model which satisfy a formula and model which do not.
References | : | [HR] (relevant section uploaded to moodle) Section 2.4
- Meeting 12 : Mon, Aug 19, 09:00 am-09:50 am
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More examples of models. Validity checking problem (undecidabile). Satisfiability problem. Arguments in predicate logic. Valid argument forms. Rules of inferences - UG, UI, EG, EI.
References | : | [HR] (relevant section uploaded to moodle) Section 2.4
[KR] Section 1.5
- Meeting 13 : Tue, Aug 20, 08:00 am-08:50 am
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Reading | |
Examples of valid arguments in predicate logic. Using them to establish logical equivalences. Axiomatization of predicate logic. Axioms, rules of inferences, proofs, theorems, completeness, soundness.
References | : | [KR] Section 1.5
- Meeting 14 : Wed, Aug 21, 12:00pm-12:50pm
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- Meeting 15 : Fri, Aug 23, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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How to develop a theory based on predicate logic. Attempts on Theory of natural numbers, Theory of graphs. Peano's axioms.
- Meeting 16 : Tue, Aug 27, 08:00 am-08:50 am
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Mathematical Proofs. Proof techniques: Direct proof. The structure of a proof.Indirect proof or Proving the contrapositive. Example(s). Proof by contradiction. Examples. Proof by cases. Examples.
- Meeting 17 : Wed, Aug 28, 12:00pm-12:50pm
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A conjecture and confirming the conjecture by a proof. Existence proofs. Non-constructive proofs. Three examples.
- Meeting 18 : Fri, Aug 30, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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Principle of mathematical induction. Three examples.
- Meeting 19 : Wed, Sep 04, 12:00pm-12:50pm
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Strong Induction. Structural Induction. Examples. Well-ordering vs Mathematical Induction.
- Meeting 20 : Fri, Sep 06, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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More example proofs. Infiniteness of prime numbers. How do we define infiniteness? Finiteness? Notion of cardinality of sets. "Equal cardinality" as a relation. Schroeder-Bernstein theorem. Finite and infinite sets. Examples.
- Meeting 21 : Mon, Sep 09, 09:00 am-09:50 am
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- Meeting 22 : Fri, Sep 13, 08:00 am-08:50 am
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- Meeting 23 : Mon, Sep 16, 09:00 am-09:50 am
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Cardinality. Finite and Infinte subsets.
Any infinite subset of N has the same cardinality as N. Countable and countably infinite sets. Uncountability. Cantor's diagonalization. More examples of uncountable sets. Countability of NxN. Union, Cartesian product of countable sets. Diagonalization in set form - there cannot be an surjection from a set to its power set. Infinitely many types of infinities.
- Meeting 24 : Tue, Sep 17, 08:00 am-08:50 am
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An unexpected use of the technique. Are there computational tasks which are not effectively programmable? Computational Tasks vs Languages. Programs vs Strings. A non-constructive proof.
- Meeting 25 : Wed, Sep 18, 12:00pm-12:50pm
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A constructive proof that there are problems for which no effective programs exist using diagonalization. In particular, the problem of given a program P and an input x, the task of testing if it halts on x, undecidable.
- Meeting 26 : Fri, Sep 20, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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Is it because we do not know the x in advance? The variant of the problem where only the program is the input to us and x in which we are interested in checking P is halting or not is fixed apriori to be the string "LCCS". A proof that even this is not effectively programmable.
- Meeting 27 : Sat, Sep 28, 09:00 am-12:00 pm
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Completeness of Propositional Logic. Proof of Completeness Theorem. Eliminating the premises. Completeness theorem with empty premises. Reintroducing the premises. Completing the first and the last step.
Proofs for the formula from the lines of the truth table. Combining proofs. Deduction theorem (statement).
Deduction Theorem. Completing the proof of completeness theorem