NSM SponsoredSummer Internships 2022
May -- July, 2022
NSM Nodal Centre at IIT Madras for Training in HPC and AI is sponsoring a few internships with IIT faculty members.
These internships will be for two months duration between May to July, as per the mutual agreement between the student interns and faculty mentors.
Apply for the internship in this form.
The selected students would be notified. Last date to apply is May 3, 2022. The applications are closed. The selected students would be notified by May 11, 2022.
Each selected intern will receive a stipend of INR 8000 per month from the NSM Nodal Centre, if approved by the mentor faculty.
Mode of Internship
The mode of internship (whether offline or online) is decided mutually by the student and the mentor. NSM Nodal Centre will not be able to support accommodation or other logistics.
Faculty Mentors, Projects, and Selected Students
Feedback from a few NSM interns
Rhushisanth M S The internship under Dr.T V Kalyan Sir was an excellent learning experience for me. I was instructed very well and was able to learn a lot of new things. I loved the entire experience and have nothing to suggest as change.
Sahil Sevda The work went very well with Dr T V Kalyan sir.I learnt a lot of things in this internship like champsim simulator.
From my point of view there is no such thing that can be improved.
Everything is fine.