NSM Industry Connect

Intel Workshop on oneAPI

25 April 2024

As part of the Intel Workshop, the participants would learn about oneAPI and AI. These talks are planned in the morning of 25 April, and are open to all to attend online.


TimeAgenda Item
09:30Inauguration by Prof. Krishna Nandivada, Head, CSE Department
09:40 The slides and recordings (Part 1 and Part 2) are now available.
  • The Programming Challenges
  • The oneAPI and AI Saga
  • GenAI - The Intel way
  • LLMs and Diffusion
  • Hugging Face and Intel Contribution
  • Demo with Intel Developer Cloud


Register for the event in this form. The registration is free but mandatory. The meeting link will be shared with the registered participants one day before the event.


Jayaraman Mahalingam

Jay is oneAPI COE Technical Program Manager Europe and Asia, Software Products and Ecosystem at Intel. He holds a Masters in IT, Certificate in Data Science and Advanced Certification in Blockchain Technologies and has a vast experience in Academic engagements with premier Institutions in Europe and Asia.

Dr. Shriram Vasudevan

Shriram is Lead – Technical Evangelist, APJ, Developer Platform and Evangelism at Intel. He has over 15 years of experience in the Industry and Academia together. He holds a Doctorate in embedded systems. He is also a oneAPI Certified Instructor.

Register Now.