Guest Lectures

Intel Workshop on oneAPI

10 February 2023
Aryabhatta Hall, CSE Department, IIT Madras

As part of the Intel Workshop, the participants would learn oneAPI. These talks are planned in the morning of 10 February, and are open to all at IIT Madras.


TimeAgenda Item
09:30Inauguration (Prof. Krishna Nandivada, Head, CSE Department)
  • Introduction to oneAPI
  • Toolkits
  • Different Heterogenous Programming Languages
  • 10:10
  • Intel Developer Cloud
  • Introduction to Intel Rendering Toolkit
  • 10:30
  • Student Ambassador
  • Certified Instructor Program
  • Intel Innovator
  • 11:00Coffee Break
  • Introduction to SYCL
  • oneAPI Implementation of SYCL
  • Program Structure
  • SYCL Classes
  • Unified Shared Memory
  • Custom Device Selector
  • SYCL Code Anatomy and Demo
  • 12:25Q&A


    Jayaraman Mahalingam

    Jay is oneAPI COE Technical Program Manager Europe and Asia, Software Products and Ecosystem at Intel. He holds a Masters in IT, Certificate in Data Science and Advanced Certification in Blockchain Technologies and has a vast experience in Academic engagements with premier Institutions in Europe and Asia.

    Dr. Shriram Vasudevan

    Shriram is Lead – Technical Evangelist, APJ, Developer Platform and Evangelism at Intel. He has over 15 years of experience in the Industry and Academia together. He holds a Doctorate in embedded systems. He is also a oneAPI Certified Instructor.