Pre-requisites | Evaluation | Logistics | Schedule | Quizzes/Assignments


There are no official pre-requisites for this course but it would help if you have done the following courses (preferably in the order mentioned below) :



40% Project |30% Assignment | 10% Paper Summary | 20% Mini Quiz


Lecture Contents Papers/Slides Blogs
Lecture 0 Course Overview S -
Lecture 1 Overview of Word Embeddings S -
Lecture 2 ELMo P -
Lecture 3 Attention Is All You Need P B
Lecture 4 BERT P -
Lecture 5 What Bert Learns ? P -
Lecture 6 XL Net P B
Lecture 7 Eernie P B
Lecture 8 QA - Datasets Survey -
Lecture 9 QA - Overview S1 -
Lecture 10 QA - CharEmbedding/CoAttention S1 | S2 BiDAF | DCN | QANet Paper | QANet Slides
Lecture 11 QA - SingleFramework S1 -
Lecture 12 Overview of Object Detection - B
Lecture 13 RCNN, Fast RCNN, Faster RCNN S | P1 | P2 | P3 B1 | B2 | B3
Lecture 14 YOLO S | P1 | P2 | P3 B
Lecture 15 Retina Net P B
Lecture 16 Single Shot Learning S B
Lecture 17 Video Datasets Overview P B
Lecture 18 Optical Flow P1 | P2 B1 | B2
Lecture 19 Action Recognition P B
Lecture 20 Action Recognition (Contd.) P1 | P2 B
Lecture 21 Graph Representation Learning S1 | S2 -
Lecture 22 Graph Representation Learning (Contd.) S -
Lecture 23 Graph Convolutional Networks P -


Quiz/Assignment Topics Resources Release Date
Assignment 1 Machine Translation using Transformers pdf Sep 2nd
Assignment 2 Object Detection pdf
Pop Quiz 1 Word Embeddings - Sep 4th
Pop Quiz 2
End Sem