Former Students who worked with Jayalal Sarma

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Tahir Yusuf Sandalwala
Associated with the group during : Jul 2023 - Jul 2024
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Complexity Theory
Moved to :
Nalli Sai Soumya
Associated with the group during : Jan 2023 - Jul 2024
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Circuit Complexity, Algorithms.
Moved to : Google India
Sudhanshu Gautam
Associated with the group during : Jul 2023 - Jul 2024
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Approximation Algorithms for Sorting by Reverals and Transpositions
Moved to :
C. Gautam
Associated with the group during : Jan 2021 - Jun 2022
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Matrix Rigidty : Symmetry and Geometric Representation of Graphs.
Moved to : PhD Student, CS Dept, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Michael Mervin Christy
Associated with the group during : Jan 2021 - Jun 2022
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : On Projective Dimension of Graphs and Variants
Moved to : Google Inc, Bangalore, India.
Sephali Behera
Associated with the group during : Jul 2020 - Dec 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : (discontinued from the Ph.D. Program)
Moved to :
Amit Kumar Roy
Associated with the group during : Aug 2018 - Jul 2021
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : New Bounds and Variants of VC Dimension of Boolean Function Classes
Moved to : CISCO Bangalore
Harikrishnan E. A.
Associated with the group during : Jan 2020 - Jul 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Degree Sequence Realizations - Connectivity and Parallelization
Moved to :
Balasankar R.
Associated with the group during : Jun 2020 - Jul 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : On Hazard-free Circuits
Moved to :
Allada Praharsh
Associated with the group during : Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Later Rejections, Approximations, and Bounds for Dynamic Branching Programs
Moved to :
Kotagiri Venkata Nikhil
Associated with the group during : Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Incremental Dynamic Programming Algorithms
Moved to :
Sagar Bisoyi
Associated with the group during : Jul 2017 - Jun 2020
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Pure Space, Catalytic Space and Codes
Moved to :
Neha Kuntewar
Associated with the group during : Jul 2019 - Jun 2020
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : A Study of Discerning Problem for Words and Sets
Moved to :
Janani Sundaresan
Associated with the group during : Jan 2019 - May 2020
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Towards PLP Conjecture for Aperiodic Monoids and Generalizations to Parity Query Models
Moved to : PhD Student, Dept of CS, Rutgers University, USA
Sai Jayasurya
Associated with the group during : Aug 2019 - May 2020
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Mystery of Negations in Circuits : Structure vs Power
Moved to : Google Inc.
Prashanth Amireddy
Associated with the group during : Jun 2019 - May 2020
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Power of Decision Trees with Monotone Queries
Moved to : Flipkart Inc
Akshay Potey
Associated with the group during : May 2019 - May 2020
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma and
Research Area : Proof Complexity Theory
Moved to :
Vignesh Manoharan
Associated with the group during : Jul 2014 - Jul 2019
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Algorithms for Group Isomorphism
Moved to : PhD Student, UT Austin, USA
Krishnamoorthy Dinesh
Associated with the group during : Jul 2013 - Mar 2019
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Alternation, Transforms and New Bounds on Boolean Function Complexity Measures
Moved to : Visiting Scholar, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.
Shom C Abraham
Associated with the group during : Jul 2016 - Jul 2018
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : (Discontinued from the MS program).
Moved to :
Madhuri R.
Associated with the group during : Jan 2015 - Aug 2017
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Complexity Theory
Moved to : Software Engineer, VMWare
Vidhya Ramaswamy
Associated with the group during : Jul 2012 - Jul 2017
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Circuit Complexity Theory
Moved to : PhD Student, Princeton University, USA
Samir Otiv
Associated with the group during : Jul 2012 - Jul 2017
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Circuit Complexity
Moved to : CTO, Maximl Labs
Ameya Panse
Associated with the group during : Jul 2012 - Jul 2017
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Color Refinement, Graph Isomorphism Problem
Moved to : Works Applications, Singapore
K.S. Sunil
Associated with the group during : Jan 2012 - May 2017
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Space Complexity of Labelled Graph Reachability Problems: New Characterizations and Dichotomies
Moved to :
Billa Surendra
Associated with the group during : Aug 2015 - Apr 2017
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : TBA
Moved to :
Sajin Koroth
Associated with the group during : Jul 2011 - Mar 2017
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Non-monotonicity, Projective Dimension and Circuit Depth and Size Lower Bounds.
Moved to : Postdoc, University of Haifa, Israel.
Meenakshi Ray
Associated with the group during : Aug 2014 - May 2016
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Structural Complexity Theory
Moved to :
Sreeraj S.
Associated with the group during : Aug 2014 - May 2016
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Graph Isomorphism Problem and Color Refinement
Moved to : Microsoft, Hyderabad
Naga Varun Chetty
Associated with the group during : Aug 2015 - May 2016
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Approximating Grammars
Moved to :
A. Ajay Krishna
Associated with the group during : Aug 2015 - May 2016
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Matroid Intersection Problem
Moved to : Microsoft, Redmond.
Balagopal Komarath
Associated with the group during : Jul 2011 - Dec 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : New Circuit Lower and Upper Bounds using Combinatorial Arguments
Moved to : Postdoc, Univesrity of Saarland, Germany
Aarati Kakaraparthy
Associated with the group during : Aug 2011 - Jul 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : A Combinatorial Approach to Disjoint Cover Conjecture
Moved to : Zenefits (USA)
Assim Ambadi
Associated with the group during : Aug 2013 - Jul 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Study of Fractional Graph Isomorphism Problem
Moved to : Member of Technical Staff at Bloomreach
Govind C.
Associated with the group during : Aug 2013 - Jul 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Study of Rotation Distance on Trees
Moved to : Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS)
Narendra Nalli
Associated with the group during : Aug 2013 - Jul 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Approximating Graph Diameter
Moved to : Systems Developer at IBM
Anant Dhayal
Associated with the group during : Jul 2012 - May 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Towards making space-bounded non-determinism unambiguous
Moved to : PhD Student, UCSD, USA
Saurabh Sawlani
Associated with the group during : Jul 2013 - May 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Space Complexity of Longest Path Problem
Moved to : PhD Student, Georgia Tech, USA
Akshay Degwekar
Associated with the group during : Aug 2010 - Jul 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Pseudo-randomness for Space Bounded Computation
Moved to : PhD Student, MIT, USA
Devanathan T.
Associated with the group during : Aug 2009 - Jul 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Algorithms for Factorization of Polynomials Assuming ERH
Moved to : PhD Student, NewYork University
Ramanath Jayachandran
Associated with the group during : Jun 2012 - Jun 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : A Study Of Uniformity In Boolean Circuits
Moved to : Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore
Shiv Poojan Singh
Associated with the group during : Jul 2012 - Jun 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Study on Property Testing Algorithms and Lower Bounds
Moved to : Citrix India
Saurabh Sawlani
Associated with the group during : Sep 2012 - Jul 2013
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Degree Sets and Applications
Moved to : MS Student, Dept of CSE, IIT Madras
Prasun Kumar
Associated with the group during : Jan 2011 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Degree sets and sequences of graphs - Combinatorics and Algorithms
Moved to : CISCO Systems Inc., Bangalore, India
Dinesh K.
Associated with the group during : Jun 2011 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Circuit Complexity and Geometric Representation of Graphs
Moved to : Ph.D. Student, CSE Dept, IIT Madras
Princy Lunawat
Associated with the group during : Jun 2011 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Complexity Study of Directed Planar Reachability Problem
Moved to : Microsoft, IDC Hyderabad, India
Nilkamal Adak
Associated with the group during : Jun 2011 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Study of Holographic Algorithms
Moved to : Microsoft, IDC Hyderabad, India
Bikram Senapathi
Associated with the group during : Aug 2011 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Study of Energy Complexity of Threshold Circuits
Moved to : Ameeex Solutions, Chennai, India
Prashant Vasudevan
Associated with the group during : Jun 2009 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Complexity theory
Moved to : PhD Student, CSAIL, MIT, USA
Sivaramakrishnan N.R.
Associated with the group during : Jun 2009 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Incompressibility in Time and Space
Moved to : PhD Student, University of Washington, USA.
Mrinal Kumar
Associated with the group during : Aug 2008 - May 2012
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma and Saket Saurabh
Research Area : Algorithms for Subgraph Isomorphism and Graph Modification Problems.
Moved to : PhD Student, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, USA
Gaurav Maheshwari
Associated with the group during : Aug 2008 - May 2012
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : New Size Lower bounds Against Non-multiplinear Arithmetic Circuits.
Moved to : Goldman Sachs, Bangalore
Tarun Banavath
Associated with the group during : Mar 2021 -
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Stable Circuits
Moved to : SRE, HONEYWELL.