This is a static page that lists all courseware - lecture topics, slides, and reading material. Details of a specific run of the course (eg. evaluation pattern and assignments) are in Moodle or Google Classroom.

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Usually students find this course easier to follow if they have done Fundamentals in Deep Learning (CS6910).


Contents Lecture Slides Additional Slides Reading
Logistics Lecture - -
Overview Lecture - A Berkeley View | MLSys | AI for systems, SIGARCH blog | Deep Learning Hardware | Systems & Machine Learning
Systems thinking Lecture Systems thinking | Principles of SW Design | Chaos | Intel SGX Chapter 1 from "Principles of Computer System Design" | No silver bullet in SE | Future Computing Architectures | A Vision for the Future of Systems
Key Ideas in ML Lecture Two cultures of stats | XGBoost Few useful things to know in ML | Thinking in higher dimension | Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures
A quick introduction to Deep Learning Lecture - Visualising convolution Popular DNNs and Datasets | DL: An overview | MIT DL Basics |
Age of Accelerators Lecture Hardware Architectures for DNN | DL: A systems perspective Slides from Turing Award
MLPerf Lecture - MLPerf Inference Benchmark | The Tail at Scale | Weights and Bias Tool |
Hardware for DL Lecture 1 | Lecture 2 | Lecture 3 | Lecture 4 Survey | Tensor Processing Unit | Gemmini Paper | SCALE-Sim paper Efficient Processing of DNNs: A tutorial and Survey Plotting a Course to continued Moore's Law: Partha Ranganathan (First 22 mins)
Systolic Algorithms Lecture Convolution with Systolic Array -
DL Frameworks Lecture TensorFlow | PyTorch | Janus | TensorFlow Eager | PyTorch Geometric CS231n Lecture 8 : Deep Learning Software TensorFlow OSDI
Automatic Differentation Lecture - Automatic differentiation in ML: Where we are and where we should be going Lecture on Backpropagation
Lecture on Auto Diff
Halide Paper
History of Programming Languages Lecture Julia -
DL Compilers Lecture XLA | TASO | TVM TVM paper
Cloud Deployment and Efficient Inference Lecture MLOps | MLFlow | FPGA DNN accelerators | TF Lite | Nvidia TensorRT |
NAS Lecture DARTS | OFA | Attentive NAS | DARTS paper
Miscellaneous Lottery Ticket Hypothesis | NeuroEvolution | ML in EDA | Memristors for Inference Lottery Ticket Hypothesis paper | Deep Neuroevolution paper | ML applications in Physical Design | PUMA paper