SYLLABUS 0. Introduction to Computing, including basics of Computer Organization (CPU, ALU, etc.), Machine Lang/Assembly/High-level languages, and program compilation steps. 1. Data representation (Decimal, Binary) of signed and unsigned integers (Sign-Magnitude, One's and Two’s complement), floating point numbers. 2. Variables and Constants, Assignment Statements, Operators -- Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, operator precedence). 3. Input/output: Format-strings for printf and scanf. 4. Conditional statements: if-else, switch-case 5. Repetitive statements: while, do-while and for loops 6. Arrays: one dimensional and two-dimensional arrays 7. Char data type, Strings and String Manipulation functions 8. Functions and Modular Programming 9. Recursive Functions 10. Structures 11. Pointers 12. Searching algorithms: Linear and Binary search, where elements are stored in an array. 13. Sorting algorithms: Selection and Insertion Sort, where elements are stored in an array.