Lead presentation: Each student will have to (a) choose two-papers one paper to lead, (b) write a two page summary, (c) present the paper. For the main presentation each student will get exactly 30 minutes (including Q&A).

Side presentation: After the main presentation, some of remaining students will be asked to make a short (max) ten minutes (at most 2-3 slides) presentation to summarize their own findings/understanding, along with possible future work.

For each student, their lead presentation will count for ten marks, three marks for side presentation and two marks for class participation (asking questions/making points etc).

List of papers (not in any particular order) to choose from. If you want to present a paper not in this list, then contact the instructor.

  1. Incrementalized Pointer and Escape Analysis, Frederic Vivien and Martin C. Rinard, PLDI 2001.
  2. Accurate Interprocedural Null-Dereference Analysis for Java Mangala Gowri Nanda and Saurabh Sinha, ICSE 2009.
  3. Techniques for efficient placement of synchronization primitives Alexandru Nicolau, Guangqiang Li and Arun Kejariwal, PPOPP 2009.
  4. A Dynamic Optimization Framework for a Java Just-in-Time Compiler Toshio Suganuma, Toshiaki Yasue, Motohiro Kawahito, Hideaki Kornatsu, Toshio Nakatani, OOPSLA 2001.
  5. Superoptimizer: A look at the smallest program Henry Massalin, Computer Architecture News 1987.
  6. Automatic Generation of Peephole Superoptimizers Sorav Bansal and Alex Aiken, ASPLOS 2006.
  7. Dynamo: A Transparent Dynamic Optimization System Vasant Bala, Evlin Dusterwald, and Sanjeev Banerjia, PLDI 2000.
  8. The ant and the grasshopper: fast and accurate pointer analysis for millions of lines of code Ben Hardekopf and Calvin Lin, PLDI 2007.
  9. Improving Java Script Performance by Deconstructing the Type System Wonsun Ahn, Jiho Choi, Thomas Shull, Maria ­J. Garzaran, and Joseph Torrellas, PLDI 2014.
  10. Apposcopy: Semantics-Based Detection of Android Malware through Static Analysis Yu Feng, Saswat Anand, Isil Dillig, Alex Aiken, FSE 2014.
  11. Points-to analysis in almost linear time Bjarne Steensgaard, POPL 1996.
  12. PYE: A Framework for Precise-Yet-Efficient Just-In-Time Analyses for Java Programs M Thakur and V K Nandivada, ACM TOPLAS 2019.
  13. Compare less, Defer more: Scaling value-contexts based whole-program heap analyses M Thakur and V K Nandivada, CC 2019.
  14. Energy Efficient Compilation of Irregular Task-Parallel Loops R Shrivastava and V K Nandivada, TACO 2017.
  15. Improved MHP Analyses A Shankar, S S Chakraborty, and V K Nandivada, CC 2016.