For all the assignments, students are encouraged to write testcases to test their own program, as well as their peers. For each assignment evaulation 10% of the marks will be based on their peer testcases. Students can get bonus points upto 10% of the total credit of the assignment, based on their testcases! Say the class strength is M, and the testcases of student X catches total n errors then X will get min(10, 5*n/M) bonus points. The testcases should be part of the submitted project. Say the project main directory is named P1. Then inside P1, testcases should be present in the directory "testcases" (without quotes). Students can submit how many ever testcases they feel like. The students testcases should not consist of any public testcases. The testcase should be a valid input for the assignment. If there are invalid testcases in the directory, the student will get no bonus points.